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You can get answers to these topics and so much more by filling out a client contact card or contacting me when the time is right for you.

Here are the most frequently asked questions about selling your home

If you are considering selling, we should talk soon. Proper staging and competitive market pricing increase your odds of selling and I will guide you through this. Although some real estate markets may provide a few more headwind than others, there are several things an owner can do to in order to add greater appeal and increase the odds of not only selling their property quickly but for the most profit available. The two opportunities that increase this likelihood in the sell of a home are; 1) Curb Appeal. Remember – First Impressions are EVERYTHING. 2) Less is MORE! Declutter and reduce the presence of unneeded items. If it is a land tract that is to be sold – Accessibility is EVERYTHING. If your property is overgrown and a buyer can not easily navigate the property – it is less than likely the buyer will see the property’s real value.

For starters, Provide EVERYTHING!!! Really though, if there are material defects that may affect life, safety, or health – you would want to disclose these items to avoid potential liability later. If the situation allows – these material defects should be cleared up with supporting documentation provided to assist in obtaining the most desirable outcome for you as a seller. In addition to this – providing any documentation or details of improvements or other items that add value to your property. Summed up – when the need to sell arises, we are looking to paint the best picture possible of your property to make it a MUST HAVE for any prospective buyers.

Home Inspection costs can vary from market to market and even from one inspector to the next. I often see basic home inspections ranging anywhere from the $350 price point to the $500 range. Several factors will play into this beyond those mentioned and those range from the size of the home, the proximity from the home to the inspectors office, and most commonly – the depth needed to adequately inspect the home. This is a crucial aspect of making any purchase to ensure you as a buyer are as informed as possible prior to closing on the purchase. I suggest using an inspector who comes highly recommended, one who you have spoken with, and that you feel comfortable giving you advice on the conditions of the home, a major purchase – often times – one of the greatest purchases you may ever make.


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